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《香港商報》:賀國慶70周年及回歸22周年 多項大型慶祝活動全港同歡 





慶委會冀全城同享喜悅逾400節目料30萬人參與 ↓




《香港仔》:賀國慶港回歸活動多姿多彩 辦灣區創科潮流音樂嘉年華





《大公報》:AI機械人登場 5G展智慧 灣區文化匯演 創科×音樂「潮」賀國慶與回歸 







《星島日報》:三百多項活動慶回歸22周年 ↓


  慶委會署理執行主席、港區人大代表陳勇表示,慶委會將於本月二十九日至七月一日在維園舉行「Greater Bay Festival 創科潮流音樂嘉年華」,向公眾展示香港的創科發展及青年發展。其中科技園及港大、理大等大學將會展示最新的創科發展,將會有機械人斟奶茶予市民品嘗,市民又可試用現時最新研發的5G技術。屆時,維園會場將會設有街頭三人籃球賽及美食攤位區,並邀請明星表演。


《China Daily》: Inno-tech to steal the anniversary show ↓



《英文虎報》:Victoria Park to go next-gen for handover ↓


  Hongkongers can get a taste of how fast the 5G network is during a festival celebrating the
handover in Victoria Park, according to the Hong Kong Celebrations Association.
  Visitors to the Greater Bay Festival, to be held between June 29 and July 1, can check out an
exhibition by China Mobile, which will offer devices for users to experience the speedy internet
  KamChAI, our first artificial intelligence Hong Kong-style milk tea making robot, will be serving
participants at the Hong Kong Productivity Council exhibition zone.
  The association is holding more events to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of handover.
  On July 2 and 3, a Qinghai national dance drama, Thangka, will be performed at the Hong Kong
Coliseum, while a Qinghai Thangka art gallery will be exhibited from June 29 to July 3 at the Central Library.


  ©2025 Hong Kong Celebration Association